Friday, December 21, 2007

Ravi's Birthday celebration Dec 21st '07

Today, Dec 21st Ravi was surprised in his lifetime.. !!
On this Special day of my dear husband.. He was gifted with flowers and memonto.
I arranged for the flowers and balloons to be delivered a day in advance and took so much pain and struggle to hid it from him till his D day!!

The Cake was bought from Safeway, which was just a walkable distance from my home. I got it around the day before his DDay. the cake was just plain white cake with the coloured balloons..noting written on it.
so i got some writing edible gel, and decorators to make the cake look even grander!!
The gift, which has a wonderful saying for him, was purchased from personalisation mall.
I ordered it online and had it shipped to my home a week in advance. the wrappers and ribbons were bought at the time of the cake purchase.
All this was dune without his knowledge! He was almost in tears!! Never had a BDay celebrated like this in his life time!!
I was so happy and proud that i am the only person to have surprised him and what more do i need than to see a happy smile on his face on a very special day!!

Note : Video courtesy by one and only wife of his!!( thats me!!!!)

The Next day, he wore his new birthday dress to Office and took the Cake with him to distribute it to his collegues @ Work!!
We didn't want to waste the whole cake leaving it inside the fridge as we were heading off to New Jersey for christmas.